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Project 03 - Snowman: The Complete Edition

Due Date: Monday Sept 28 @ 6am Uploaded to Canvas

Your Task

In this project, you’ll complete the game Snowman that we started in class a couple weeks ago. Your Snow man should have at 4 sections, and after each wrong guess, one new section should be added to the drawing. Define each of the 4 drawings in a separate function using def... as we discussed in class.

The secret word should be read from a file named secret_input.txt.

We haven’t yet covered in detail how to make a program loop until the user enters certain values or until certain conditions are met. So, I created a little Number Guessing Game program using the needed principles for you to use as a guide. You can access that Python program here.

You should place the code for this program in a Python file named 1340-pa03-<lastname>.py where you replace <lastname> with your last name in all lowercase letters. For example, if I was writing this project, my file would be named

Submission and Grading

Your project (single Python file) should be submitted to Canvas in the appropriate PA03 location.

It will be graded according to the following rubric:

  • Source Code Quality: 30%
    • Proper use of vertical white space
    • Proper use of horizontal white space
    • Understandable variable names
    • File header comments with your name, SMU ID, and a brief explanation of the project.
  • Correctness: 30%
    • Does your project properly use the secret word in the input file to run the program?
  • User Interface: 40%
    • Are the interface steps logical?
    • Does the main game loop stop under the correct conditions?
    • Are the prompts to the user helpful?